When nothing is the way you desire it to be and you just want to break down and cry

Photo post by @joypassiondesir.

Source: When nothing is the way you desire it to be and you just want to break down and cry

This is for all those having a rough day or a hard time. Please know things will get better. You will be happy again. Trust in yourself and try to have faith that there are better and brighter days ahead!

22 thoughts on “When nothing is the way you desire it to be and you just want to break down and cry

    • emmagc75 says:

      It’s funny that I consider myself a pretty positive, happy-go-lucky person most of the time. But staying positive all the time is just sooo not realistic lol. I also suffer from severe depression. When that hits (usually only bad a few days a month since I found right combo of meds) my own brain tells me I’m worthless, crazy, ugly, lazy etc! But I know now it’s a trick n not reality. I also know it’s temporary which helps tremendously. You know what helps me stay positive the most? Practicing gratitude and meditation. Hugs to u 🙂

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        • emmagc75 says:

          The damage I have suffered from in my life was from the depression. Well until my Mom died n then when I almost left my hubby for a putz I fell in love with lol. I guess we all have been damaged in some way. But I know how lucky I am to be healthy and have a wonderful family n friends. How do u stay strong?

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          • dgkaye says:

            Lol, that’s a loaded question. I’ve learned to analyze situations and try to understand how they come to be, learn and move on. Trust me, I’m always a work in progress, we’re always learning. And writing is often times my savior. 🙂

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            • emmagc75 says:

              I do the same thing. I actually use writing to help me understand what I’m feeling and that’s how I find clarity n understanding. Then I’m able to make peace with it, let go and move on. Yes you’re right. We are always learning if we want to evolve into our best selves.

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