When Letting Go is Hard To Do

This is a great article for all those people who search Letting Go on my blog every day. I think it takes as long as it takes. Which is never fast enough lol. I can honestly say I am on the other side now. It took much longer than I could have ever imagined to come to a place of indifference. But I’m so grateful and happy the pain is gone. I also have faith that someday I will know why it all happened and what it meant. All that matters is I have never been happier! I’m going where the love and great sex are!

When Letting Go is Hard To Do  http://theimperfectgirll.com/2015/10/12/when-letting-go-is-hard-to-do/

Why is it so hard to let go of people that continues to cause you pain?

If you think about it, it’s more painful to hold on, than it is to let go. But time and time again, we find ourselves holding on to toxic relationships, marriages, friendships, even family members, when everything…every clue…every sign is pointing to you LETTING GO and walking away.