The Universe Provides & Karma


what you put out


Put out goodness

be a reflection give respect

I am a firm believer in the idea that what you give out into the world is what you get back most of the time.  It may not always feel like that some days, but it has been my experience.

When I’m sad, down, lonely or just blah it seems like I always encounter someone in my life who makes me smile, laugh and feel less alone.  I try to remember to be grateful for all that I have and for all those that take time out of their day to brighten mine.

Now this only relates to us regular folks WITHOUT a personality disorder like narcissists or sociopaths.  When dealing with those kind of sick twisted individuals, the normal rules definitely do not apply.  They have no common decency or compassion. Just try to have as little contact with them as humanly possible and stay out of their way.

This is my hectic time at work and it’s pretty chaotic and busy.I haven’t been as active in reading blogs and commenting as I used to be.  I go through phases where I’m very active and then other times I just get so overwhelmed by all the blogs I follow.  Keeping up with all of them can at times feel like a full time job lol.  So I hope this explains my absence the last week.  I hope everyone is doing well! I’ve missed you guys xoxo.

Things are really well with my hubby and I am no longer in contact with P.  I’m going to Florida this Saturday for a week to lay in the sun and relax.  I really cannot wait! I haven’t been away for a long, long time (except to the lake house which is great but not like a real vacation lol).  I am and will continue to go where the love is!


20 Great Quotes about Mindfulness

Brandy Eve Allen

For as quiet and serene as most mindfulness landscapes and experts appear, the actual act of becoming conscious and aware of oneself, one’s thoughts and one’s environment is remarkably difficult, at least at first. There are so many distractions in today’s world that keep us looking for something else, someone else, and even…

via 20 Quotes About Mindfulness For When You Need To Find Your Way Back To The Present Moment — Thought Catalog

More Tuesday Truths

I started crying for absolutely no reason today at work. Thankfully I was alone and it was only for a minute. But damn those friggin hormones! LOL  I’m much better now, but not my usual happy-go-lucky self. And you know what? I think that’s okay. If not for the blah days, we would never appreciate all the truly kick-ass special days in the future.  The best cure for the blahs? Laughter!!  So I am going to see my Pop (I’m the only one that calls him that instead of Dad lol) because it is impossible to be around him and NOT laugh. Not to mention it’s comical watching the big guy roll around on the scooter with one leg 🙂



whenever you're sad

however sad

be thankful for every heart





Kermit been thru lot


it's funny


Monday again?

I know we can’t be gloriously happy all the time but today I just really wanted to stay in bed! Honestly, I am just not a fan of Mondays lol. I hope everyone had a great weekend! I’ll be back when Monday is over 🙂

Monday Keep Smiling


i_hate_mondays (1)






Thankful Thursday

I’m thankful for so many things, just not in the mood to write this week. It’s been a long week at work but looking forward to having off after next Wednesday until after New Year’s Day. Yeah!!!!!

I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. Have a great day and go where the love is!!

Thankful Thursday1


close to friday

Thirsty Thur

thursday hang in there

Appreciate Your Loved Ones Before It’s Too Late

This is exactly what I have been trying to incorporate into my daily life.  It takes some practice and some days it’s easier than others.  It’s just that life is so friggin short and I want all my family and friends to know how much they mean to me.  This includes my blogging friends who have shown me the most amazing love and support these last 9 months.  Thanks you so very much for making my life so much richer!  I love you  and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs xoxo!

Tomorrow is never promised. So today… I want all my friends and family to know how thankful I am that all of you are in my life.

Source: Appreciate Your Loved Ones Before It’s Too Late

Holding On vs. Letting Go

I let him go

I have never been a woman that takes long to get over relationships. It shocks me that it has taken 8 months to finally let go of P and be at peace with shutting that door for good.  I just kept holding on because I was so certain he was my future. That he could be strong enough to break free from the cycle of narcissistic abuse.  That he would figure it out before it was too late.  He wasn’t and he didn’t.  And that’s okay because it doesn’t mean we didn’t love one another very much.  It just means he’s not ready to leave his prison of loneliness and dysfunction. I am still angry sometimes but I guess I will take anger over sadness lol.

why we hold on

This is so friggin true!! Do you want to know why I held on so tightly for so long and refused to let go?  Because most of the time it was amazing. Our love was special in a way I had never known. I have never felt that way about anyone before in my whole life.  Believe me, he wasn’t perfect at all lol! That man has more issues and baggage than an airport terminal. He was just perfect for me and I thought that I was perfect for him.  We used to marvel at how his crazy fit my crazy.  But he’s so afraid of making changes or mistakes. A lot of that is his generalized anxiety disorder.  And that’s okay because it’s his choice.  My choice is to move on without him in my life anymore.

I gave him 2 years and that was plenty of time to get his shit together.  Like DaVinci said “A life without love is no life at all.” He just thinks he’s wasted 8 years, what’s a few more months?

Well a few months was the difference between my holding on and my letting go.  We all make choices.  He’s made his to stay unhappy and unloved and I’ve made mine to cut him out of my life completely and irrevocably.  I think he really just thought I would happily wait til he was finally ready. Obviously I guess he never truly understood me.  Patience has always been a struggle for me and I admit that.  I know how short life is and I don’t intend to waste mine pining for anyone!


This quote makes me laugh because it was exactly how I felt those first few days.  It’s still hard to look back and realize just how much pain I was in.  Thankfully, I am living, finally moving on and I am happy.  I had to realize that I don’t actually NEED anyone to live, even P. I do believe there was a purpose to all of this. Unlike P, I learn from my mistakes and pain so that I don’t repeat them.  I will make new ones 😉

Go where the love and great sex is my friends!

Take A Chance

take a chance you'll never know

I really like this quote.  I think most of the amazingly life-changing things that happen in life? They happen when you close your eyes, take a deep breath and jump.  As we get older, sometimes we just get too comfortable, lazy and complacent.  I know I am guilty of this.  Sometimes my illness does play a part.  But I need to take more chances and really start living my life again.

I know I said I regret my year and a 1/2 relationship with P but if I’m honest with myself, I do not regret any of it except the ending.  I learned how fun and full of joy and laughter life can be again.  I had tons of wonderful adventures and mind-blowing sex lol.  I feel a little sad that he remains stuck and unhappy in a prison of his own making. But I guess if you have already wasted over 8 years without affection, love and sex it makes it much easier to keep wasting day after day after day.  I have never been mentally or emotionally abused, well at least not in a long term relationship.  So I have no idea what it feels like to be manipulated and lied to by a narcissist for almost 20 years.

Maybe that is the lesson I needed to learn.  That life is just too short to wait for someone to get their head out of their ass and change their life.  Sometimes we just have to accept other people’s choices and let them go.  I forgive him for being weak and addicted.  I hope he finds love again one day.But I need a man who is smart enough to grab onto me with both hands and never let me go.  A man like my husband with one big difference.  A man who LOVES sex and needs it as much as I do.

Life isn’t a video game with 3 chances to get it right.  I need a man who is smarter and braver than P. And I might need one who is more sexual and passionate than my H.  I guess time will tell.  But I have promised 3 months of counseling, then we will go from there.  Strap in folks, it’s about to get interesting to say the least 🙂

3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge

3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge

The rules of the challenge :

1. Thank the person who nominated you. So thanks to Jim at

2. Post a quote a day for 3 days. “A weak man can’t love a strong women, He won’t know what to do with her.” – Unknown

3. Each day, nominate 3 new bloggers to take part in the challenge. How about:

Gibber @

Vic  @

KcRambles @